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Dallas, TEXAS, United States
Blogs for Photography, Travel, and Cooking

Monday, October 15, 2012

At the Zoo in Costa Rica: Peacocks

I absolutely love peacocks for their color in all forms of art! I stumbled upon these peacocks at the zoo in Costa Rica and was lucky to see that many of the males had their plumes open to ruffle their feathers and shuffle their feet in the peacock dance to attract female mates. It's said a pair breed for life although a male peacock will breed with more than one female. However, a female will breed with only one male in her lifetime, making the bond inseparable. The peacocks are beautiful indeed and many of us visitors scrambled to get our photos with the peacocks. It was just our luck that when the peacock folded its feathers away, another peacock started trying to attract a mate and then the first started again as well. Competition, eh? There were plenty of peacocks to go around for photo taking opportunities and the children just loved it!